Riverview Building Project

We are excited to announce that we have received our building permit from the City of Cedar Falls! Praise the Lord for His continued faithfulness!!

The Board voted unanimously to move forward with the original, larger building. To date, we have received close to $1.5 million dollars in donations and pledges to the project. We will continue to fundraise for the project throughout the next year. If you want more information, please contact Kristin Swenson at Kristin@RiverviewMinistries.com.

The outdoor bathrooms have been removed and the ground is being prepared for the building construction. You are always welcome to visit the grounds and check out the building progress. Stop in the office and say hello!

We are so grateful for your partnership in this project and this ministry! We are prayerfully planning for the year-round ministry opportunities this new space will provide for Riverview to live out its mission for all to be Inspired, Challenged and Shaped by God’s Word to Serve His Kingdom!

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The cold temperatures didn’t deter progress on the project! The front entrance, insulation and drywall have been added to the building. We remain excited and grateful for new ministry opportunities! ... See MoreSee Less

The cold temperatures didn’t deter progress on the project! The front entrance, insulation and drywall have been added to the building. We remain excited and grateful for new ministry opportunities!Image attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Looks great 👍